FHA Loan Limits by County for South Carolina : An FHA Mortgage could be the right option for you. Complete a Quick Quote to get started today!

Below are the maximum loan amounts allowed for SC FHA loans:

$498,257 ..... Abbeville County _________ $498,257 ..... Greenwood County
$498,257 Aiken County $498,257 Hampton County
$498,257 Allendale County ____________ $498,257 Horry County
$498,257 Anderson County $546,250 Jasper County
$498,257 Bamberg County $498,257 Kershaw County
$498,257 Barnwell County home loan $498,257 Lancaster County
$546,250 Beaufort County fha limits $498,257 Laurens County
$586,500 Berkeley County FHA loan $498,257 Lee  County
$498,257 Calhoun County mortgage $498,257 Lexington County
$586,500 Charleston County fha map $498,257 Marion County
$498,257 ..... Cherokee County ___________ $498,257 ..... Marlboro County
$498,257 Chester County nc fha $498,257 McCormick County
$498,257 Chesterfield County $498,257 Newberry County
$498,257 Clarendon County $498,257 Oconee County
$498,257 Colleton County $498,257 Orangeburg County
$498,257 Darlington County $498,257 Pickens County
$498,257 Dillon County $498,257 Richland County
$586,500 Dorchester County $498,257 Saluda County
$498,257 Edgefield County $498,257 Spartanburg County
$498,257 Fairfield County $498,257 Sumter County
$498,257 ..... Florence County __________ $498,257 ..... Union County
$498,257 Georgetown County $498,257 Williamsburg County
$498,257 Greenville County $498,257 York County



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